Casselberry City Center / Lake Concord Park and Triplet Lake Drive

Casselberry, FL

Cost $8.2M (Civil)

Project Description

This project was a joint effort between the City of Casselberry, Integra Land Company, and Casto. The project included a retail element and a multi-family residential element. The site exhibited a significant amount of unsuitable material (muck) most of which was located beneath a layer of clean and usable soil. The first phase of the project included providing the development team with prices and options to remediate the unsuitable material and choosing the most effective method for the remediation. The second phase of the project consisted of moving forward with the mass grading, stormwater ponds, soil remediation and utility trunk lines.

Project Highlights

  • A significant portion of the design assignment was the development of the stormwater system to provide treatment and attenuation to the residential apartments, the commercial retail sites, and the city park.
    • One of the major issues was the runoff from US 17-92 that discharged to the site into an easement that had existed for over 50 years.
    • The final design needed to accommodate both FDOT requirements from the original easement and the Water Management District’s current criteria.
    • The design team worked closely with both agencies to develop a solution that included revising the 100-year flood elevation in an old borrow pit, which eventually required an LOMR be processed through FEMA.
    • The prepost was partially met by storing water in the old borrow pit, thus changing the 100-year flood elevation by approximately 8 inches.
  • AVCON provided drainage and mass grading, roundabout, a three-way intersection, utilities, and parking areas on Triplet Lake Drive
