Marine Corps Air Station New River

Jacksonville, North Carolina

Cost $12.5M

Project Description

This project included the rehabilitation of all electrical components of the airfield on the air station. AVCON was responsible for the lighting layout, circuiting design, duct bank system design, approach lighting design, vault design, and a new standby generator for the vault building. The main objectives of the project were to improve reliability, provide resilience and sustainability to the Airfield Lighting System, ease maintenance efforts by upgrading technology, and provide a safe and operational facilities for our service men and women.

Project Highlights

  • The duct bank system routed new cable through all new Junction Can Plazas, isolating each series circuit into a separate designated conduit.
  • The newly installed vault replaced three existing vaults and reconciled all airfield lighting equipment to one central location greatly simplifying future maintenance.
  • Vault work included locating, designing, and installing a new vault building with new electrical distribution, lighting, HVAC system, standby generator, lightning protection, constant current regulators, and control monitoring system updates.
  • All taxiway, runway, approach lighting, wind cones, and airfield guidance signs were replaced with LED fixtures, reducing maintenance efforts, and improving visibility and thus situational awareness for pilots.

Project Milestones

  • Over 700 new taxiway edge fixtures, 150 new runway edge fixtures, 100 approach fixtures, and 70 signs were installed in this project.
  • Because of the transition to LED, the load on each circuit and the required KW size of each CCR significantly decreased, saving energy and operating cost for the base.
  • The design and construction of this project provides new airfield lighting systems that will perform with minimal maintenance for the next 20 years of operation.
